Forum Würth Art Market 2022
It is well known that the Würth foundation supports the arts in several countries, with three galleries alone in tiny Switzerland!
In this same spirit, they are hosting the yearly art market at the Arlesheim location.
In this same spirit, they are hosting the yearly art market at the Arlesheim location.
Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 from 11 - 5 pm
You can find Christina and a selection of her wool paintings and art prints at this year's Kunst.Hand.Werk. Markt on Saturday, September 3rd from 11-5 pm just outside of the Forum Würth gallery in Arlesheim, (Baselland) Switzerland.
There will be about 25 other fine artists exhibiting their works as well.
There will be about 25 other fine artists exhibiting their works as well.
Contact Information:
Forum Würth Arlesheim
Dornwydenweg 11
4144 Arlesheim, Switzerland
+41 61 705 91 11
info at wuerth-ag dot ch
Website (German):
Forum Würth Arlesheim
Dornwydenweg 11
4144 Arlesheim, Switzerland
+41 61 705 91 11
info at wuerth-ag dot ch
Website (German):